Conferences: I’ll be speaking at #SMX Munich

smxmunchenWithin several weeks, the first conferences of the Spring period will start. One of the conferences I’m really looking forward to is SMX Munich! Not only because it is the first SMX event I will be attending but also because of the fact I will be presenting two sessions during the second day of the event. The overall program looks really diverse and promising so I can’t wait till the end of March! The sessions I will be hosting are the following ones:

majesticseoThe advantages and risks of using rich snippets for eCommerce websites
This session is sponsored by MajesticSEO as I will be representing them as their ambassador: There are multiple possibilities for using eCommerce data as rich snippets for eCommerce websites. Biggest advantage is the fact you can add additional information to your SERP snippets, which will lead to higher click through rates in the end. What are the options for your platform? Which integrations will end up in the best results? Don’t forget Google needs time for indexing and processing, what are the risks caused by this? What is Google accepting as valid data? Make sure you make the right decision on which snippets you implement and which not.

The science behind Hummingbird
Last summer Google launched a new engine behind their search engine, labeled Hummingbird. A lot of articles have been written, not all of them are showing the right implications and effects for the user. It speaks for itself that almost nobody noticed changes in Google before they publicly announcing their new algorithm. By exploring the concepts and patent databases, I will take the public on a journey through the science behind Google, with a focus on Hummingbird.

If you would like to attend the event too, please use ADVANTAGESMX as a discount code!

The other search engines? – #BrightonSEO 2013 presentation

Since Google has the biggest market share in Europe, we tend to only watch their developments. Don’t forget we have other search engines too: how are Blekko, Yandex, Baidu, Sogou and other “foreign” engines developing? First have a look at the current (average of 2013) market shares of search engines in Europe and World Wide, source Statcounter:

european-search-engine-mark worldwide-search-engine-mar

Looking at these graphs, it definitely is not a strange question to ask: what other search engines are there? In the search engine landscape, there are just 5 countries / regions where Google is not market leader in terms of number of searches per month. If you are going to look at the number of page views, there are some more countries in which there are bigger players operating but as a SEO I’m more interested in the usage statistics.

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Next conference: A4UExpo Europe

Badges-Speaking-1098x860A4UExpo is returning to the Netherlands after a succesfull event in 2009. Over 900 people will attend +30 interactive sessions. I will be taking part in a panel, discussing performance marketing in the Netherlands. You can find the conference agenda at their website.

Performance Marketing in the Netherlands

As our host country for this year’s pan-European a4uexpo, we’ve put together a panel of Dutch affiliate and performance marketers to share insights on the market’s landscape throughout the Netherlands.

Expect to hear our panel’s views on building brands to increase customer retention and how to add value. The latest mobile opportunities that are gracing the market will be showcased along with adapting to changing consumer habits surrounding the customer journey.

All the above and more will be discussed during the panel session. Additional questions from the floor will be encouraged.

If you still need to buy a ticket, use the following code to get a 10% discount: SPKEUR10%